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$ 10,000 for a whiskey sack were thrown out of steam

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • One sip of a very old Scottish whiskey, a Chinese millionaire for big couples drinking at a Swiss hotel, was not exactly what the customer expected.
    One of China's best-paid online writers, Jang Vei (36), from Beijing, gave $ 10,050 for just one sip of whiskey, when he visited the Devil's Playhouse in June, at the Valdhaus Hotel in St Moritz.
    It is assumed that this is the most expensive payment sack of a Scottish whiskey ever. A very rare alcoholic drink was poured from a previously unopened bottle with the Macallan whiskey label of 1878.
    Whiskey experts, however, doubted the authenticity of the sip of two centiliters, which prompted the drinks to be sent to a laboratory analysis, after which it turned out that the whiskey was a fake, Bi-Bi-Si said.
    An analysis carried out in Scotland, at the request of the hotel itself, revealed that whiskey was not produced before 1970.
    The hotel accepted the results of the laboratory analysis and then returned the entire amount of money to the buyer.


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