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The word of the year: Fake news

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • LONDON, New York - The term "false news" has been named the Word of the Year in the selection of the famous publisher "Kolins" after, as reported, the ubiquitous use over the past 12 months.
    The lexicographers working on the Collins Dictionary say that using this term is 365 percent more frequent this year than last year, and the phrase was most popularized by US President Donald Tramp.
    His inflammatory rhetoric is often directed at the media who criticize him, and although many of the terms were primarily associated with a dirty campaign in the US presidential election, Tramp said a few days ago that he coined him.
    "The media is really ... this one, the best I came to, is fake. Others have probably used the term over the years, but I've never noticed it," he said recently.
    Nevertheless, according to Kolins, the term began to be used in the 21st century in the media sphere in the United States to describe "false, often sensational, information that spreads under the news coverage of a newspaper."
    The use of the term began to be more and more frequent in 2015, and this year it "exploded".
    In the "word of the year" list, there was also the echo chamber, defined as "the middle, most often on social networks in which one's opinion is likely to come to approval, because only people who have similar antidotes ", then the word" antifa "(antifascists) that reappeared in the United States after violent conflicts of the right-wingers and anti-fascists and deeper divisions to the" left "and" right ", and then the term" gender-fluid ", defined as" someone who is not identified as a member of only one genre ".


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