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Drones send food to returnees near Fukushima

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: November 06, 2017
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  • Drones deliver food to residents of a Japanese town that was devastated after a nuclear disaster in Fukushima, due to limited access to stores.
    Last year, residents were allowed to return to the Minamisome area, but now they are facing difficulty in purchasing supplies.
    Food service operators using donuts say this is the first such service in Japan, Bi-Bi-Si reported.
    The service was launched by the e-commerce company "Rakuten" and the chain of self-service "Loson". The planes move towards the city of Minamisoma, in the Odaka district, where mostly elderly people live.
    This district is partially located within a 20-kilometer circle around the Fukushima Daiqi power plant, which was destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011. People then had to leave their homes for fear of radiation.
    The government of Japan has abolished the evacuation order for Minamison in October last year and allowed locals to return to that area after decontamination.
    Buyers can order food and other household supplies, which are sent to them by the nearby "Loson" shop. Dron can carry up to two kilograms of goods in one flight. This service will be tested in the next six months.


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